Customer Uploading Documents
Schemes can decide if they would like to allow applicants to ‘add supporting documents’ all the time or if they would like to ‘disable’ the button on the website after New or CoC applicants have submitted one set of document uploads. If a scheme chooses to ‘disable’ the upload button on the website, officers can make the ‘Add documents’ button appear for any applicant via a back office element at anytime.
Therefore, it will also be possible for existing applicants who already have an account to log into their account and upload more documents if required by the council. n the public site once the applicant has logged in they will need to:
- Navigate to the “Your Account” page,
- Click ‘Add supporting documents to my application’
The applicant is given a drop down list of document types to upload for various household members.
For example, passport, child benefit award letter, doctors letters or an OT letter for a medical issue. The list can differ according to the partner’s preferences. Additionally, there will be a dropdown of all household members so they can assign each document to the relevant household member.
For each upload there will be an option to select the document type and the relevant household member. The document type dropdown consists of a list of documents. The document list for each partner (partners to provide list, including either/or options as applicable ): Either / or option would be called “ID or passport” as an example.
The applicant will need to select the document type and then upload a photo of the document from a phone or a computer file. Once uploaded, the document will be given a file name and the name of the household member. Applicant’s can if required by the scheme receive an email receipt listing all the file names of documents uploaded eg. ‘Passport-John Smith’. Applicant’s will receive the email receipt either when they have clicked that have added all the documents and / or when they click a button that says ‘Email me a receipt of documents uploaded in this session’.
The applicant will be required to confirm that all documents have been uploaded. A task is then created to inform staff. This also means the button to upload documents only shows on the public site when something is outstanding. The member of staff would receive a task, then when they look into the evidences they will notice something is missing and they can then re-open the public site for further evidence uploads. They can also open it up on the public site for uploads (on a per applicant basis) whenever they want. For example, at the offer stage, or they can permenantly enable the upload button.
Uploaded documents are restricted to the following file types:
- Images (png, jpg, gif, tiff)
- Adobe Acrobat PDFs
The maximum file size for each uploaded file is 4 Megabytes. If a member tries to upload an image larger than 4 Megabytes the upload facility will automatically attempt to resize the image to bring it under the 4 Megabyte limit. If this is not possible a message will display to say file size too big.
The following warning messages will be displayed:
Upload clicked:
- Have you added all the files you need to upload to the list?
- Submit Documents clicked: Once you confirm you have completed the uploads you will not be able to upload any more documents. Are you sure?
- Button text: Submit Documents
Not configurable:
Upload button clicked:
- There is no evidence to upload
- The file is too large, it should be under 4MB
You cannot upload documents until setting the household member and document type on all of the images you are uploading
Submit clicked:
- You have pending files to upload
- Close form: You have pending files to upload. Are you sure you want to close the form?
- Email Receipt button can be enabled/disabled (emails the customer a list of documents uploaded in this session).
- Email Receipt button clicked: You haven't uploaded any evidence during this session
The Upload button can be configured to only be enabled if there are pending files to be uploaded or to be enabled all the time and will display the warning above if clicked when there are no pending files.