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Linking and Creating applications between CBL and HPA2

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Linking an HPA2 applicant to another HPA2 applicant

From the applicant’s Details page select the link / chain icon as seen below:

Clicking the chain will take you to a new screen shown below. 

On the new screen select the magnifying glass icon (green) as shown above 

To search for another HPA2 applicant:

Linked HPA2 clients will then show in a table as shown below. Select the green view button to see the linked applicant’s case.

Linking an HPA2 applicant to a CBL applicant 

Click the House icon as shown below will allow you to search for a possible CBL match or another CBL applicant. 

Its also possible to export an application from HPA2 to CBL via the toolbar on the client’s details page

Linking and exporting from the CBL to HPA2

In the CBL system, select ‘Their Linked Applications’ in the left-hand menu shown below. On this page you will also be able to search for possible related CBL applications or export this member to HPA2.

To search for a possible related CBL applicant, click search and type in the applicant’s name or LIN number and click the magnifying glass icon to search. 

Unlinking applications

An applicant can be linked to multiple CBL / HPA2 applications. 

To unlink applications from HPA2 

To unlink applications from the CBL go the ‘Their linked applications’ page 

HPA2 Permissions View

Its also possible to export an application from HPA2 to CBL via the toolbar on the client’s details page

Linked applications Journal view
Applications that have been linked together have a shared journal view that allows journal notes and actions to be viewed together. This may be an HPA2 application linked with another HPA2 application, a CBL application linked with another CBL application, an HPA2 application linked with a CBL application or any combination of the above.

The linked journal view can be controlled within the journal filters within the module whether that is CBL, HPA2 or HRS depending on your system.

Use the filter icon to open the filter pop-up box

Moving between linked customers
If just one Housing Register application is linked with one HPA application then switching between the two is a simple process, however with the flexible ability to link multiple applications, there is now additional logic that sits behind this all, to make switching between linked applications quicker and smarter

The rules for which customer is shown in the target module are as follows:

1. In HPA2, if an HPA2 client has linked CBL customers (or a CBL membership) then the “View application in Housing Register” should show. Because there may be more than one linked client (and an HPA2 client may have a CBL membership as well as linked CBL customers) the rules for which customer should be shown on clicking this button are as follows:

  1. Live / Offered / Nominated
  2. Online to be validated
  3. Pending
  4. Suspended
  5. Hibernated
  6. Housed
  7. Removed

2. In CBL, if a CBL customer has linked HPA2 clients (or has an HPA2 membership) then the “Go to HRA” button should show. The rules for which client should show when clicking on this button are as follows:

  1. If the current client has a live HPA2 membership, view that.
  2. Otherwise show the newest live client (i.e. the one with the higher customer ID).
  3. Deleted linked clients and memberships shouldn’t show.

3. In HPA2, if the user has access to HRS, and an HPA2 client has linked HRS clients, then a “View Housing Related Support client” button should show in the toolbar. The rules for which client should show when clicking on this button are as follows:

  1. Preference is for linked clients with ‘Active’ Status element, then ‘Inactive’
  2. If there is more than one client with the same Status element, show the newer client (by customer ID)
  3. Deleted linked clients shouldn’t show.

4. In HRS, if an HRS customer has linked HPA2 clients then the “view HPA2 client” button should show in the toolbar. The rules for which HPA2 client should show on clicking this button are the same as those for the CBL button in (2) above.