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Roles, Permissions and Partners

Security works by allocating ‘Roles’. 

You may also need to allocate partners (organisations) to the security account Landlords or Local Authorities for officers to enable them to work with other organisations.

The standard roles are shown in the table below. Each of these roles is automatically given the ‘Permissions’ that are listed below the ‘role’ name. 

Each scheme is configured slightly differently and there may be situations where schemes place permissions under different roles. 

Refer to your spreadsheet entitled Roles and Permissions to confirm the roles for all users in your scheme blank template shown below. 

This will have been used to set up the test site during implementation.

You will notice that in the example list shown above, some of the permissions for each role are the same and some roles have very different permissions that the person may not access.

For example, your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) staff may only need to log in to the Locata back office and view Member records, but they may not be allowed to bid on behalf of the Member. 

In the table above you will note that CRM staff may login to Locata and may place bids. You will need to deny the permission ‘make bids’ for these members of staff.

Please Note: It is essential that you only give each user the role(s) with permissions that they require. This is in order that you comply with your Data Protection Guidelines that will declare how you must protect your data and access to the functionality of the system.