Hard to Let, Cross Partner Properties (Multi-Partner Schemes)
If you are in a partnership and have some hard to let properties you may decide to open these up to all Members of the scheme.
For example you could advertise it to all boroughs within the Home Choice Scheme. In the example, currently, this will exclude Bournemouth Members since Bournemouth has a different policy to the other partners.
In our example therefore Members will be able to bid on these properties if they are registered with either of the following boroughs:
North Dorset DC
Borough of Poole
West Dorset DC
Weymouth and Portland BC
Purbeck DC
- The adverts will be advertised under the borough banner where the property exists.
- Staff will be able to bid for these properties for all Members registered with these 5 boroughs, from the Locata back office CRM pages.
- Members will be able to bid for these properties via Telephone, text, coupon and public website.
When creating the adverts for Cross Borough bidding, create your property as you do normally. We suggest you add a message in the free text description (example below) to say that all Members are able to bid for this property:
When you have created your property advert and set it to ‘Advertise’ or ‘Request Nomination’ go to the Property Record by clicking on the Property Name with Identification (in the example below) :
This will take you to the Property record – Go to the Matching Tab, Voluntary Cross Partner element and change this to YES:
SAVE the record.
This advert will now be open for all Members to bid for this property advert (except Bournemouth).