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The Offers

Offers take place against shortlists. 

The property should be Offered to the first eligible person on the shortlist (or this person should be rejected).

If an offer is made, the shortlist is marked as ‘offered’ and the member is marked as ’under offer’ on any other shortlists they have bid on. A member cannot be offered more than one property at any one time. If the member is rejected, the system makes the next person on the list ready for Offer (or Reject). 

There are 2 outcomes of an offer, firstly: the member can accept the property, in which case their status should be set to Accepted, when they move in, or secondly: they can refuse the offer. If they refuse the offer, they are made active again and will appear on any other shortlists they have bid on. 

The system then switches to the next person on the shortlist to Offer/Reject (or Offered, if a Viewing has already been offered to the next person on the list).